
TechnoLogica is a leading Bulgarian software company, which since 1990 develops complex activities in the field of IT: implementation of information systems, software development, consulting services and specialized trainings. The company has offices in Sofia, Burgas and Varna, and its team includes more than 200 specialists in various fields. The company’s activities are certified according to the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 quality management standards and the NATO Allied publication AQAP 160.

30 years of history

  • DiTra, the first company in the group, is established with proprietary automation engineering (CAE) products as its core business


  • TechnoLogica Interprogram is established and becomes IBM’s General Market Agent.
  • Over the next four years, the company is IBM Business Partner of the Year for Bulgaria


  • ESRI partner for Bulgaria.


  • TechnoLogica established to bring together and align the business lines pursued by the other companies in the group. First deployment in Eastern Europe of TDImage, a computer animation software; the Architecture and Engineering Series for architectural design and civil engineering – a solution with embedded artificial intelligence; and IBM Multimedia for multimedia kiosks service at major exhibition.
  • First implementations of CATIA in Bulgaria
  • First internship program for students from the American University in Blagoevgrad


  • TechnoLogica becomes Oracle Local Support Organization for Bulgaria.


  • First-time localization of a high-end ERP system in Bulgaria.
  • First deployment of ERP system at a manufacturing company in Bulgaria.
  • The fully localized version wins a gold medal at the Plovdiv Fair (the largest technical exhibition on the Balkans at the time)
  • First version of the human resources management system developed
  • TechnoLogica opens Bulgaria’s first training center to be certified by a world-leading software corporation. Subsequently, in addition to Oracle, the training center is authorized by MS, PMI and IIBA, among others.
  • DiTra becomes Delcam partner


  • TechnoLogica focuses its business exclusively on software development and services
  • The HeRMeS Human Resource Management System awarded a gold medal at the Plovdiv Fair
  • Partnership with Stratasys and first demonstration of a 3D printer in Bulgaria


  • TechnoLogica develops and implements the first electronic register in Bulgaria to World Bank specifications (the Liens Register)
  • TechnoLogica implements the first DWH/BI project in Bulgaria


  • DiTra becomes SOLIDWORKS partner for Bulgaria


  • A strategic alliance is established between PWC Bulgaria and TechnoLogica


  • TechnoLogica Internet Map Server (TIMS) created


  • H.R.H. Prince Charles presents a business ethics standard certificate to the company
  • TechnoLogica/DiTra initiates the Engineering Education — Solid and Working program as a model for bringing business and education together in the field of engineering automation.


  • CSR Award from the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF)


  • NATO certifies TechnoLogica’s BULKOD coding tool, used by the ministries of defence of 6 countries


  • TechnoLogica is the first company to receive the Partner of the Year award of the FMI
  • The Laboratory for support of innovative processes in the industry launched


  • HeRMeS wins the Step into the Future award at the Belgrade Technical Fair.
  • The Integrated Administration and Control System for EU farm subsidies developed and implemented. During the process of accreditation, European Commission representatives assessed it as the most advanced in the EU.
  • TechnoLogica was named the largest Bulgarian-owned software company
  • TechnoLogica was named the largest Bulgarian-owned software company (2007 Panoff , Stoytcheff,Co., ICT Ranks™ Bulgaria 1992-2008
  • The company’s list of ISO certificates expanded with NATO AQAP.


  • TechnoLogica ranked 26th in the 2008 Deloitte Technology Fast 50 ranking of fast-growing high-tech companies in Central Europe.
  • First place Investor in Knowledge at the BFBL Annual CSR Awards.
  • First place Knowledge Management from BAPM.
  • Special award for process innovation in the competition 2007 Innovative Enterprise of the Year


  • Ognyan Trayanov becomes the first winner of the Contribution to the Development of ICT award in Mr. Economy competition.
  • DiTra receives the Process Innovation / Innovation Hub award for innovation in multiple industrial companies in the Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2012 competition.


  • First participation in ArtTread, an EU-funded research project for the development of a computer model of the human cardiovascular system for learning, diagnosis and prediction of disease progression.


  • Ognian Trajanov shortlisted in the Manager of the Year competition.
  • TechnoLogic and the Trud Daily launch the column The New BG Economy, which tells the stories of the companies that contribute to Bulgaria’s economy.


  • Partnership agreement signed with Crypto AG


  • Participation in the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance project.


  • TechnoMagicLand Interactive Children’s STEM Center Opens – TechnoLogica’s Largest CSR Investment.
  • First sales of the TL GDPR Tool.
  • First place in the category Investor in Knowledge in the BFBL Responsible Business Awards


  • Development of HeRMeS eXpress
  • TechnoLogica’s team ranked 7th in the world at the Global Cyberlympics.
  • DiTra becomes a EUREKA partner.


  • Development of Pix2Logica, an artificial intelligence environment for creating satellite image analysis applications.


TechnoLogica in numbers



private companies use products and services from TechnoLogicа



years on the market


completed information systems development projects



of our employees have been with us for more than 10 years


Our big family

Everyone’s fortunes, concerns and success matter to the company. We care, help manage challenges, and share the joy we experience.

Togetherness extends beyond purely working relationships and our endeavour to create together. We value the family, and the company was established and has grown as a big family.

We respect everyone’s personality and actively discourage intrigue, corporate politics and disrespect for personal dignity. Everyone can rely on a special attitude without bias. We are aware that people are different, and the role of the company is to tap each individual’s full potential and strengths and ensure that weaknesses do not have a negative effect.

Your knowledge and skills inspire respect, but you become valuable with the benefits you bring

We love technology — we are dedicated to it — as the very name of the company name suggests. Our satisfaction does not spring from mastering technology, but from making it work and deliver value. Our business model is to scan emerging technologies, identify those most promising and invest in them ahead of time so that we can build them into working solutions that bring value to our customers.

Together we achieve more — for the company, for each of us, for society

Our focus is not limited to our well-being. We care both about the problems society faces and unrecognized opportunities. We seek, create and create innovative solutions to problems and unaddressed opportunities in society. Together, we find satisfaction and meaning in life in our fulfilment as professionals, but equally what we do for the benefit of society. What binds us together is not only the inspiration to create together and achieve more in professional terms, but also to give more back to society, and do it together and visibly.

Building a solid reputation with loyal and satisfied customers

We do not seek to make customers dependent on our products and services. We incentivize our employees to master the technologies we implement. We can thus recognize and appreciate the benefits of the latest technologies with greater ease and more confidence.

Knowledge is power that we turn into benefits

We value and seek knowledge not only for personal enrichment and self-esteem, but with the firm intention of sharing it with others. At TechnoLogica, your growth as a professional, the experience you bring, the new knowledge and technologies you master will be recognized by professionals you value and respect.

Team creativity producing greater and meaningful results

We believe that as humans we derive the greatest satisfaction from creation, and we relish the advantage of being able to create in a team with other professionals.

Technology makes life easier; culture makes it more beautiful; and creativity makes it more meaningful.



Ognian Trajanov, founder and owner of TechnoLogica and DiTra, was…

This is the opinion of Georgi Nozharov, Senior Human Resources…

The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence thanked TechnoLogica…

Interview by Georgi Dukov, head of Security Solutions at TechnoLogica,…

In today’s technological world, the digitization of traditional administrative processes…

TechnoLogica is among the organizers of the largest cyber exercise…