TechnoLogica has more than 20 years’ experience in planning, developing, support, and maintenance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and dozens of successful and finalized projects in this domain. Our GIS specialist and experts have participated in integration of different specialized GIS solutions in different sectors in the government administration and business utilizing various platforms and GIS technologies. We have developed our own specialized GIS product i.e. TechnoLogica Internet Map Server (TIMS).

Competences and technologies
TecnoLogica is a HEXAGON partner – World leader in providing digital reality solutions combining sensors, software and automated hardware technologies such as: GeoMedia – very famous solution for storage and managing spatial data, ERDAS for processing satellite data and Luciad for military solutions and air control monitoring. We have also unique experience in developing GIS solutions with OpenSource technologies such as GeoServer, GeoNetwork, QGIS and others.