Ognian Trajanov
Owner and CEO
Ognian Trajanov is the owner and executive director of TechnoLogica.
He is the author of the idea and creator of the interactive science and technology center TechnoMagicLand, which was awarded by the Bulgarian Forum of Business Leaders in the category “Knowledge Investor” and by the Bulgarian Donor Forum as “Best Donor Program” in 2019.
He is the initiator of the “Engineering education – solid and working” program, which supported the modernization of engineering work automation training in 10 universities.
During his two mandates as chairman of the United Nations Global Compact Bulgarian Network, under his leadership, the National Plan for the CSR Europe “Pact for Youth” project was developed. As chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies (BAIT), he initiated and received support from the industry and the Ministry of Education and Science for the creation of a national program “IT Business Teaches”, which grew into “Business Teaches”. After two successful terms as chairman of BAIT, from 2021 he is its vice-chairman.
He completed engineering education at the Technical University – Sofia, as well as block B and C – engineer-specialist in Applied Mathematics and Informatics. He was a research associate in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Ognian Trajanov is a speaker at numerous events dedicated to leadership, innovation, education and corporate social responsibility.
He is the Honorary Consul General of the Republic of the Philippines in Bulgaria.